Case Study: Solar Panel Soiling Forecaster

Business Goals:

Forecast how dirty panels on solar farms will get based on surrounding conditions

Compute optimal time to wash the panels (which is very expensive) versus electricity lost from soiling

Data Sets and Models:

Particulate matter trends from EPA

Weather history from NOAA interpolated over a grid over the entire USA

Output and Benefits:

Saves $MMs per year per solar farm in reduced washing costs and increased power generation

Better for environment in terms of water usage

Fused Air Quality Surface Using Downscaling

Modeled vs Actual Soiling Loss

Case Study:

Solar Panel Soiling Forecaster

Business Goals:

Forecast how dirty panels on solar farms will get based on surrounding conditions

Compute optimal time to wash the panels (which is very expensive) versus electricity lost from soiling

Data Sets and Models:​

Particulate matter trends from EPA​

Weather history from NOAA interpolated over a grid over the entire USA​

Output and Benefits:​

Makes $MMs per year per solar farm in reduced washing costs and increased power generation​

Better for environment in terms of water usage ​